Eight Legged Freaks Movie Review

Eight Legged Freaks brings two things to my mind. One, the idea of normal bugs giant sized killing dozens of people is so simple.. yet seems to entertain me very much. Two, I wish someone would do this with (blog post) more convincing special effects, because (blog) these bugs.. well.. in still images they're okay. I guess.. but in animation, if yo

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Raiga God of the Monsters Movie Review

When you just have to stomp a city to the ground, but only have about $25 and some leftover pocky to do it with, you make due! Reigo: King of the Sea Monsters did the best it could with what little they had to work with. Raiga: God of the Monsters, follows up that science fiction movie reviews story by changing tone drastically and proudly declarin

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Funny Analysis of Horror Cinema

Roma (2018) - This noir and white film about Housekeepers in Mexico City is a visual masterpiece. The film is profound and intimate in the scope as movie reviews director Alfonso Cuaron creating a vivid (blog post) and fully-realized world. Performances by the ensemble and the actresses, particularly Yalitza Aparicio, are all excellent.

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